Could you be a caregiver? A caregiver is a person caring (physically and/or emotionally) for another person, also called a caretaker or care partner. Caregivers often balance full- or part-time caregiving for loved ones or friends while dealing with everyday responsibilities.
For example, in 2017, an estimated 136,000 family caregivers in Rhode Island were providing approximately 114 million hours of uncompensated care with an annual market value of $1.8 billion.
Self-care is just as important as caregiving. As caregivers, it’s important to balance caring for yourself and the health and wellbeing of your loved one. Caregivers often experience stress or have difficulty taking care of their own health.
Say Hello to CareBreaks, a service that provides unpaid caregivers a short-term break from the daily responsibility of caregiving while their loved ones receive supervision and personal care from a qualified individual.
The primary goal of respite care is to restore the balance between caring for others and caring for yourself.
CareBreaks: A Respite Care Program in Rhode Island
CareBreaks is a cost share program that helps arrange for a short-term break for those who care for a friend or loved one located in Rhode Island.
To learn if you’re eligible, call The Point at 401-462-4444.
For more information, watch our video for more information about respite care and its impact on caregivers.
This work is supported by the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, through the Rhode Island Office of Healthy Aging.