Caring for Older Adults – Coming Out of COVID-19 ECHO Series


Project ECHO® is a free, practical, case-based tele-education series.

About the program: The ECHO model uses a hub-and-spoke knowledge-sharing approach where expert teams lead virtual clinics, amplifying the capacity for providers to deliver best-in-practice care to their patients and communities. This ECHO series will provide participating practices (“spoke sites”) with information and strategies to connect with and implement resources to address challenges related to the ongoing and evolving impact of the COVID-19 on older adults.

Who is the program for: We are recruiting ambulatory care practices to be spoke sites for this ECHO series. We ask that you identify a core team from your practice to participate. While we encourage the whole team to participate in all sessions, we understand that not everyone will be able to attend all sessions. It is important that your team has a representative at each of the sessions so that they can share your practice’s experience with the larger ECHO group and bring the session’s resources back to your team.

What is included: In addition to short presentations or panel discussions by subject matter experts, the ECHO model provides clinicians with the opportunity to share with and learn from their peers. The consistent participation by the hub and spoke sites creates a learning community founded on ECHO’s “all teach and all learn” principle. The four-part curriculum will cover:

Session 1

Mental and behavioral health impact

May 11

Session 2

Decreased physical activity and deconditioning

May 25

Session 3

Gaps in preventive and chronic illness care and vaccination

June 8

Session 4

Reducing provider stress and maximizing well-being

June 22

All sessions are from 12:00-1:00pm.

Learn more about this ECHO series by reviewing our frequently asked questions.

Commitment to Collaboration – Rhode Island Geriatrics ECHO (RI-G ECHO) Educational Program

In the spirit of collaboration, Rhode Island Geriatrics ECHO (RI-G ECHO) Educational Program is committed to working with community partners.

Rhode Island Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (RI-GWEP) agrees to:

  1. Deliver ECHO programs on emerging models of geriatrics care, disease management and other areas of opportunity.
  2. Offer didactic presentations on a wide range of topics related to curricula and identified participant needs.
  3. Share recommendations on presented de-identified cases.

Healthcentric Advisors agrees to:

  1. Assist participating sites with IT needs to support connectivity and facilitate active participation.
  2. Support facilitators as necessary.

By registering for this ECHO series, your practice agrees to:

  1. Identify an interprofessional team to participate in the RI-G ECHO educational
  2. Actively participate in the program: provide cases, share insights, and ask questions.
  3. Share clinical updates and de-identified outcome data.
  4. Complete session evaluations to help us improve our programs.

Questions or want to learn more?

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