New resource for home and congregate care workers


Betsy Lehman Center for Patient Safety released a new video and suite of resources about infection control and PPE for home care and congregate care workers on the front lines of COVID-19.

Stay Safe! Your Guide to Wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is available in English, Spanish, Haitian Creole and Brazilian Portuguese.

We know that proper hygiene and infection control is essential to preventing the spread of COVID-19. But many home care and long-term care workers do not have access to adequate training. In addition, much of the guidance available from the CDC and other organizations specific to COVID-19 is more appropriate for hospital staff than for this workforce.

In response to this challenge, the Betsy Lehman Center for Patient Safety partnered with organizations across Massachusetts to produce this quick, easy to understand video featuring a Massachusetts home care worker demonstrating how to don and doff PPE.

On the website you will also find a toolkit with posters, flyers, and other printable items to educate staff and remind them how to stay safe during COVID-19.

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