Three ways QIN-QIOs Are Using IT and Data to Improve Health



Providence, RI (September 2016) – Hospital chief information officers (CIOs) are often at the front lines when it comes to health IT in their facilities. It was with this in mind that the New England QIN-QIO began convening quarterly meetings with Rhode Island’s 11 hospital CIOs to discuss health IT issues, educate them on quality improvement initiatives and foster greater collaboration.

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For media inquiries contact Alex Bronk by phone (401-528-3273) or email ([email protected]).

About Healthcentric Advisors

Healthcentric Advisors is a non-profit health care quality improvement agency providing consulting, research and education services. Located in Providence, RI with offices in Woburn, MA and Brunswick, ME and a staff of approximately 50 physicians, nurses, educators, analysts and other professionals, Healthcentric Advisors is a sought-after partner to national and local government agencies, foundations, insurers, health care providers, stakeholders and educational institutions on health care quality improvement initiatives.

About the New England QIN-QIO

The New England QIN-QIO, administered by Healthcentric Advisors in partnership with Qualidigm, works across New England on strategic initiatives such as reducing health care associated infections, reducing readmissions and medication errors, working with nursing homes to improve care for residents, supporting clinical practices in using interoperable health information technology to coordinate care, promoting prevention activities, reducing cardiac disease and diabetes, reducing health care disparities and improving patient and family engagement. The NE QIN-QIO also provides technical assistance for improvement in CMS value-based purchasing programs, including the physician value-based modifier program. Visit the website

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