Healthcentric Advisors Selected as Masshealth Technical Assistance Vendor


Massachusetts-based Organization Selected by MassHealth as TA Vendor for
Accountable Care Organization and Community Partner Support

Woburn, MA – Healthcentric Advisors is excited to announce selection as a Technical Assistance Vendor as a part of the MassHealth Delivery System Reform Incentive Payments (DSRIP) Technical Assistance (TA) Program and the MA DSRIP TA Marketplace.

Healthcentric Advisors has been chosen through a competitive selection process for the TA Program based on more than 20 years of demonstrated experience and expertise. Through the MA DSRIP TA Marketplace the Massachusetts based organization is able to provide essential support in five TA Domains to Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) and Community Partners (CPs) throughout the state. TA Domains reflect current TA priorities identified by MassHealth ACOs and CPs.

Healthcentric Advisors specializes in customized technical assistance. The Woburn-based team is experienced in determining provider needs, focusing on optimizing workflows, improving patient care, meeting metrics, and achieving transformation milestones. Their proven methods directly translate to improved outcomes and reduced utilization by identifying patients for population health and medication management opportunities. They leverage knowledge and previous practice experience to ensure that solutions are feasible, achieve desired outcomes and sustainable in each practice environment.

All TA Vendors are organized by TA Domains and can be found in the Vendor Catalog on the MA DSRIP TA Marketplace. Healthcentric Advisors is offering TA in the following domain(s):

  • Care Coordination/Integration
  • Community-based Care and Social Determinants of Health
  • Health Information Technology
  • Performance Improvement
  • Workforce Development

Healthcentric Advisors supports more than 21,000 eligible clinicians in Massachusetts, and over 48,000 across New England, through similar technical assistance as CMS’ Quality Improvement Organization contractor. They pay special attention to care transformation, health information technology, and human resource infrastructure to efficiently meet clinical and operational goals. Their workforce training programs integrate community partners and organizations, assuring patients gain access to resources they need most. Healthcentric Advisors is local—they understand the Massachusetts healthcare landscape—designing improvement projects and strategies ideal for clinician needs.

ACOs and CPs can request Healthcentric Advisors via TA application.

Visit MassHealth DSRIP Technical Assistance Program, or contact: 800- 841-2900 or [email protected] for more information.

For media inquiries contact Susan Rohwer by phone (401-528-3248) or email ([email protected]).

About Healthcentric Advisors

Healthcentric Advisors is a non-profit health care quality improvement agency providing consulting, research and education services. Located in Providence, RI with offices in Woburn, MA and Brunswick, ME and a staff of approximately 70 physicians, nurses, educators, analysts and other professionals, Healthcentric Advisors is a sought-after partner to national and local government agencies, foundations, insurers, health care providers, stakeholders and educational institutions on health care quality improvement initiatives.

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