Self-Measured Blood Pressure Pilot Updates


A Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Special Innovation Project to reduce uncontrolled hypertension among Rhode Island residents and streamline care planning for clinicians. Learn more.

October Blood Pressure Pilot Data

Initial analysis of the October data demonstrates that:

  • 59% of the patients participating in the pilot with uncontrolled BP (> 140/90) have reduced their average BP to below 140/90 by the last week in October.
  • 16 calls to patients and 7 medication changes were made as a result of the alerts sent to patients and participating practices.

Blood Pressure Portal Reminder

Don’t forget to select an action from the drop-down menu for all alerts you receive. By doing so, you are helping track and trend your patients’ blood pressure data between office visits.

Register Now: Self-Measured Blood Pressure

Why Timing Matters and Other Practical Tips

November 20, 2019 from 12:00-1:00pm

Please join Healthcentric Advisors and the American Medical Association as we share practical tips and best practices for implementing a Self-Measured Blood Pressure Program (SMBP) and maximizing its value. We will explore the benefits of SMBP including the potential impact on improving HTN control and patient engagement. This session is appropriate for MDs, DOs, PAs, NPs, NCMs, RNs, RPhs, CDOEs, CVDOEs, RDs, office managers and other health professionals. Space is limited.

Learning Objectives

  • Explain the benefits of self-measured blood pressure (SMBP) on improving blood pressure control and treatment coverage
  • Evaluate current SMBP program based on best practices and guideline recommendations

Register now

About the Speaker

Linda murakamiLinda Murakami, RN, BSN, MSHA is a Senior Program Manager for Practice Facilitation and Quality in the department of Improving Health Outcomes at the American Medical Association. In this role, she provides leadership and technical expertise to primary care teams by conducting data-driven, quality-improvement coaching.

Blood Pressure Portal: New Features Added

Custom Panel
If you have practice-level access (the ability to see patients across all providers), you can create a custom patient panel. This gives you the ability to focus on the patients you may be working with across all practice providers. When you log into the portal, only these patients will be displayed. You will always have the ability to view actions and alerts from all patients within the practice, and you will still receive alerts for all patients if you are part of the alert group.
Weekly Averages
On the patient profile page, you can easily view daily and weekly averages over the last 30 days. In addition to table data for each period, you can see a visual chart per week, which includes the average systolic/diastolic/pulse readings. It’s also easy to see how often the patient is taking their BP readings.
We have included some reporting for readings, alerts, and actions, per patient. You can choose a time period, a patient, and choose a report to run. We are soon adding a combo report which will combine all three reports into a single report for printing or attaching to a patient’s record.
Coming soon
Combo report that combines readings/alerts/actions per patient that can be printed and attached to a patient record
Pulse alerts
Icons to denote antihypertensive medications, anticoagulation medications, Afib

Contact Us

Brenda Jenkins, RN, D.Ay., CDOE, CPEHR, PCMH CCE
Program Lead
[email protected]

Bryan Los
Technical Support
[email protected]

Nelia Odom, RN, BSN, MBA, MHA, WCC
Self-Measured Blood Pressure Educator
[email protected]

Cynthia Stephanopoulos, RN, RAC-CT
Self-Measured Blood Pressure Educator
[email protected]

Alyson Schena, BS
Program Support
[email protected]

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