A Collaborative Approach to Reducing Readmissions: Harnessing the Patient Voice to Improve Care Transitions


Mass coalition logo 1Hosted by Healthcentric Advisors, in partnership with the Massachusetts Coalition for the Prevention of Medical Errors

Thank you for interest in “A Collaborative Approach to Reducing Readmissions: Harnessing the Patient Voice to Improve Care Transitions” held in June 2019.

During the session, our speakers and panelists shared their approaches to enhance safe care transitions, highlighting that the most effective interventions engage the patient and their care partner(s) in the process.

In our final segment, Dr. Amy Boutwell facilitated a group exercise to explore why patient engagement matters, potential barriers and our vision for excellence

  • Providers see patients and care about them as individuals – names -not cases or conditions
  • Providers ask “what matters to you”
  • Providers do not judge/or make patients feel judged – because of their health condition or because of their choices – reduce stigma / respect

Knowing why it matters and what we want to achieve, Dr. Boutwell challenged us to take this back to our teams and map changes that could be implemented over the next week, within the month and over the summer to work towards our goal.

Session Materials

Access the session agenda, slides, speaker details (including contact information), and shared resources.

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